Lyons Family Medicine
Zachary Lyons, MD
Board Certified Family Medicine Physician located in Glenside, PA
If you’re tired of driving to the doctor’s office every time you have a question or routine health care concern, use telehealth with Zachary Lyons, MD, at Lyons Family Medicine in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Telehealth eliminates the need for Members to schedule in-person appointments for everyday issues, including headache and sore throat, and offers a convenient alternative to frequent in-person appointments for chronic care management. To experience the convenience of the secure and remote based care offered through Dr. Lyons' membership program, call or use the convenient online consultation tool to connect with a Lyons CCPHP Membership Advisor.
Telehealth Q&A
What is telehealth?
Telehealth, or telemedicine, provides access to routine health care services from internet-connected devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers.
Instead of driving to the doctor’s office, you access a secure website and talk with your doctor via video chat, phone calls, or text messaging.
Dr. Lyons offers telehealth services to all patients for routine health care matters that do not require an in-person visit for diagnosis or treatment.
How does telehealth work?
Telehealth isn’t suitable for all situations. For example, you can’t receive a throat culture to check for strep via telehealth. But, telehealth appointments are a convenient alternative for the following:
- Common medical symptoms like headaches or digestive problems
- Chronic care follow up
- Post-treatment check-up
- Questions about medication or home remedies
- After hours, weekend, and holiday access to health care
- Mental health and behavioral health care
- Prescription refills
Telehealth provides access to virtual appointments by phone, mobile device, or computer.
What are the benefits of telehealth?
Telehealth boasts many advantages over traditional in-person appointments. For people unable to leave the house due to bad weather conditions or illness or for individuals in rural areas, telehealth provides access to health care from the comfort of your own home.
If you travel a long distance to see your doctor or have to miss hours at work to get to your appointments, telehealth saves time and money. Managing chronic conditions like diabetes is easier if you can schedule telehealth appointments for routine checkups rather than travel to the office regularly.
Scheduling telehealth visits when you’re symptomatic also helps prevent the spread of germs to other people in the waiting room. Reducing the spread of germs is better for everyone, but particularly for pregnant women, chronically ill patients, and the elderly.
How do I prepare for a telehealth appointment?
Try the following tips to prepare for your virtual health visit with Dr. Lyons:
- Write down questions and symptoms to discuss
- Make a list of your current medications and dosages
- Keep paper and a pen available to take notes during your visit
- Reduce background noise
- Close other applications on your phone, tablet, or computer during the appointment
- Choose a spot with good lighting
Avoid holding your phone or mobile device in your lap during your telehealth appointment. Place your phone, computer, or mobile device on a sturdy, flat service.
To learn more about the convenience offered through Dr. Lyons' concierge program, like his custom telehealth app, call or use the consultation request tool to connect with a Membership Advisor.